We are a group of Christian volunteers whose mission is to provide safe, affordable homes to Ellis County families in need.

How We Operate

Habitat for Humanity International's Corporate Sponsorship program challenges corporations to work with us to ensure that all people have decent, affordable shelter.

Corporate partnerships address the problem of poverty housing, providing a positive solution and offering a wealth of benefits to corporations, including tax deductions, high-voltage public relations and a permanent positive effect on company morale.

On a Habitat build, united in the goal of helping those in need, employees at every level get to see each other at their best. It's an opportunity to grow, to bond and to experience good feelings that get carried back to the workplace.

There are numerous ways to form a partnership with Habitat, whether through product donations, financial support, mobilizing employees as Habitat volunteers or a combination of these possibilities. Habitat invites you to join us as we work in partnership with people in need everywhere, helping them to secure decent, affordable shelter.

Contact Information

Mailing Address:
Habitat for Humanity of Ellis County, Texas
P.O. Box 157
Waxahachie, TX 75168

Phone (voicemail only):
(972) 937-2797

General Information:

Volunteer Information:

Homeowner Application (accepted February & August only):
Download Homeowner Application

Copyright © 2022, Habitat for Humanity of Ellis County, Texas